New Roberts School Kindergarten Student Welcome Form

Welcome to Roberts!
We would like to make your child's transition to kindergarten as smooth as possible. During the summer we plan park outings, play dates, and swim events allowing connections to be made between families and children.

By filling out the form below you are giving the Welcome Team at Roberts permission to contact you regarding these planned activities and events. Parents have commented each year  how helpful these organized events have been for their child and for themselves! Children are given the opportunity to make new friends prior to the new school year and their chances of seeing familiar faces in September are greatly increased.

The form below will provide us with a little information about your child, helping us break the ice when introducing kindergartners to one another.

If you have more than one child starting at Roberts this coming school year, please fill out a separate form for each. We look forward to meeting your kindergartner and will do all we can to make the start of Kindergarten a fun, exciting and comfortable experience for your child!

Roberts Welcoming Team

Disclaimer: Your participation in this form is voluntary. You are free to decline to answer any particular question you do not wish to answer. The form will be shared with the New Student Welcome Team which consists of a school member and parent volunteers from Roberts.

New Roberts Kindergarten Student Welcome Form